Preparation for Public Hearing

We are pleased to announce that our group has formally entered into an engagement with Jeff Gibson from Bass Berry Sims. His wealth of legal expertise combined with the brain trust in hemp-specific knowledge from a broader coalition collectively working on this, will be instrumental in providing legal counsel and strategic guidance as we advance through this year.

We are approaching our legal engagement with Jeff in two steps.

Step 1 is to prepare the formal comments to present during the Feb 6th public hearing. Our initial focus is on pre-litigation research, analysis, and strategy coordination. We will get through the public comment hearing.

Step 2 learn what the results are from the TDA, meaning if they change the rule language or not, then make a directional decision on Regardless - the legal team will be well-prepared and ready to move swiftly.

Coordination is happening with TNHAA and their legal counsel as well as with other active groups’ legal counsel. 


A representative from Bass Berry Sims is set to make the public comment on February 6th, articulating the collective voice of Cultivate Tennessee members. We urge our members to rally behind this initiative, allowing the esteemed legal firm to professionally express our position. Our primary objective in making this public comment is to document our stance clearly around the antiquated testing language that has been copied and pasted from the Controlled Substance Act of old does not apply to these current hemp standards as carved out and defined in this bill.   

All of the work currently underway will not only produce our findings for public comment but will also leave Cultivate Tennessee prepared to file suit at the strategically optimal moment, should it become necessary.

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this important phase of the hemp industry history. 

Cultivate Tennessee is a volunteer-run non-profit, which means that 100% of your membership dues and donations to this organization support these legal efforts.


Save TN Hemp - THCa